Digital product design and lightweight brand for a certificate management startup.

Marián Matej
Tomáš Paulen
Peter Galko
Project Management
Ema Čabová
The internet is a wickedly great thing, designed to be as convenient as it gets. But underlying structures could get messy with too many fragile components. Certificates are one of those components, guaranteeing the safe browsing and secured payments throughout the internet for all of us.
Certificates have to be maintained for the proper functionality of internet services–otherwise, the infrastructure can become fragile.
Ssleek provides a straightforward approach to certificate management. The product is helping teams stay ahead of certificate expirations with timely renewals and revocations and provides everything you need for hassle-free SSL management.
The purpose of Ssleek is to make the work of system admins more efficient and less stressful. Inspired by such approach, the design process was incremental, and we started with an MVP, not only in standard product terms but also in regard to the scale of the brand, landing page, and other marketing collateral.
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