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Silné Reči Stand-up Comedy Show

Brand refresh for Silné Reči, Slovak stand-up comedy pioneers.


Stilné Reči Stand-up Comedy Show


Jakub Otčenáš

Paulína Kvaššayová

As the pioneers who essentially birthed the stand-up scene in Slovakia, the collective of 21 comedians at Silné reči have been entertaining audiences through a rich array of formats, including improvisational shows, roasts, and open mic nights. However, their existing brand identity had become outdated and didn't quite echo the vibrant energy and playful spirit they bring to the stage.

To rejuvenate their image, we sculpted a fresh brand identity, echoing their dynamic spirit through the use of bold typography and a series of stickers, each representing different event formats with a playful twist. This innovative approach has not only breathed new life into their branding but also provides a fun, visual snapshot of the essence of Silné reči, bringing their visual identity on par with the contemporary, vibrant, and humorous content they are renowned for.

This refreshed look encapsulates the fun and dynamic nature of their collective, offering a vibrant nod to their legacy while ushering them into a new era of comedy in Slovakia.

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